I'm a little hesitant about posting this particular blog but I just wanna say something about this. I've heard that many Christian's are put off and very offended by this...
Apparently Kathy Griffin, a comedian, recently won an emmy award and her acceptance speech was very very vulgar which i will not quote here; but she essentially said that most people who win awards at the shows come up on the stage and thank Jesus and she said that Jesus had nothing to do with the award she won that night...among other derogatory comments. I researched it a little and if someone heard ONLY what she said at the emmy's (which I'm sure she just used the platform opportunity for shock value) a christian or one who claims to love Jesus would be gravely offended. But I went to see articles and finally saw the Larry King show where he interviewed her; her point was that Jesus seems to be in the business of helping football players make touchdowns and basketball players winning a game in the last few seconds, and movies making $10 million on opening weekend, so he must not be in Dar fur and other places that really need him.
((Those of us that know and serve Christ, know that we serve a omniscient God, that He sees everything and is everywhere. He, like a good Daddy, loves to shower his kids with good things, and loves to give victories; But at the same time cares for those who are hurting and desperate))
I am not condoning her by any means but she makes a point --crude but valid. I'm afraid that many christian's are so quick to take things out of context. Too touchy about their Jesus. But why not use this to make opportunity for others who might be having trouble or questions with Kathy's behavior and comments. Help others understand that sarcasm is not always appropriate and can be appalling but God can be in artist's and ball players success--and war--and times of hardship.
I believe that so many issues that christians deal with are simply issues of balance. Kathy Griffin will be held accountable for her actions and so will we.