Thursday, July 17, 2008

Box Destroyed

Lindey is back! Lindey is changed!
I'm just different. I feel different. Life smells new, colors seem vibrant. I was losing touch of Life and all of its joys. And I have no idea how or why? All I know is that I feel new and fresh, I feel original, like I found my place! My place is right where I am. I'm now trying to reflect on why the change or why do I feel different!? It could be so many things ... the post-partum phase has ended (whatever that means); I've lost a lot of weight since baby; I'm singing again; I've realized how much I treasure my Ryan and Espen; I'm realizing how deeply Ryan loves me; I feel safe where I am in life; I feel like taking on challenges in business, and life in general; I've been awakening to the sufficiency of Christ in and over all things, and how deeply He loves me....maybe all of it is a small part of a big picture being painted for me.

Ryan and Espen and I just got back from camp a couple days ago. We were very involved in the band, we led worship with our friends about 14 times in a 9 day period. We heard messages filled with great God things, We got closer to our friends. We averaged a small amount of hours of sleep. We totally had a great time.
I let God out of a box that I had kept Him in for a long time. So now instead of cracking open the box to let God out into my life when I need Him, I destroyed that box.
How can we possibly put God in a tiny box when He is so vast and huge and great?! We all found a way. And it is all of us. I realized and have been realizing every day that God just wants to hang out with me and that he hates being put in a box and bound up so that I cannot hear from Him; or see what He wants me to see.
But the thing about God is that he is willing to wait in that box so you will come to him, hoping that one time or two that you'll let Him out for something when you need Him.

In the Old Testament days he wanted to be with the 'children of israel' so bad that he put Himself in a box (ark of the covenant) so that even from a box he could still be seen and carried and talked about and near his children.

At one time in History there were only a select few who could enter His presence in a Temple, and that was after sacrifices of animals and cleansings and sayings and prayers were made just to get to God.
He wasn't near enough to His children then, so He made away where His son Jesus became the one and only sacrifice. That there wouldn't be just a drop of blood from an animal anymore, ALL of His son's blood was poured out so that we would be forever cleansed of sin and cleansed of all the things that separate us from Him.
He found a way to get as close to us as possible. To live in our hearts and in our lives beacause he wants to hang out with us.

What is the box that keeps you from Him or Him from you?
Let Him out He longs to be with you.

Its hard to get to know someone deeply with only a few visitation rights.

I've seen God in such a different way because of this.
Maybe that is the source of my feeling lighter, and happier, and safer. I think i've overcome the fear of Him being too much apart of my life. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Its funny I let Him out of the box and I'm the one who feels free.


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