Thursday, September 11, 2008


So I'm sitting here waiting on our company Ike to get here...well hopefully he won't "get here". It was crazy to see the ENTIRE target bread and water section empty. The lines at the pumps are may-jore; I talked to a friend in Sugarland today and she said they were out of gas--most all of the pumps. I mean I've never really experienced do you really plan for a hurricane? How do you prepare? Bread, Water, Non-perishables? And what if they're out? Ryan and I have been back and forth on the phone all day, "Do we leave? Do we stay? Should we get a candle or two? Good thing we got gas the other day. I'll pack something just in case." I mean what the heck?! So we decided to get a can of beans, baby food, some kind of gourmet oat bread, and charge the flashlight. So don't be alarmed family members. We also are charging the portable dvd player. It'll be fun if the power goes out.
This is all so weird.

Espen is doing so great! He loves to open and close doors, climb back and forth on the couch squealing then stop to sit and put his head back for a tiny rest; he loves feeling like a big boy. He loves to be chased, he just laughs and tries to escape. He just got over and nasty eye and ear infection...snot is still bubbling from his face. He's oh so lovable and cute, we decided to keep him. :)

Well I'm watching the neighbors board up their windows as I write this, which makes me a little nervous, and Ryan just came in saying the other neighbors were leaving....we'll be ok...I mean we have beans, and a charged dvd player.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

oh my gosh Duckworths!!!! now I'm SUPER nervous for you guys!!! not that this will do anything, but please call if you need help and maybe we can call someone to help you?!?!??!!? ugghhh... this is stressful. thank goodness for DVD players.