Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I dreamt last night that I was running. Through the woods down a long path, up hills, and through rough terrain. I never got tired just more energetic the more I ran!

How I wish it could happen in real life!


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

aaaaand break!

It's been amazing having a break! School is over, thank the Lord, and I start my new job in a Salon (Pura Vida Salon) in 7 days. When I left school i was really ok with never ever doing hair again. I was burnt out and tired to say the least. 2 days after school ended, Ryan and I were involved in a youth camp for 10 days near Houston, so that allowed some time for me to visit my music/worship leader had been a while since I had even sung. But I can't say it was the break that I so desperately needed. When we got home I was able to sleep in a bit and start to enjoy my home and being with Ryan and Espen more, going to the Water Park, walks, lunches and so on. I've met with my new soon-to-be boss James and I feel good about where I'm going....excited actually. I've decided not to lay down my shears; too early for that.
I think all I'm trying to say is that I feel like i've had that break that I needed. I feel like myself again. I feel creative, i love blogging more, taking more pictures, cleaning my house (i've cleaned my house like 2 times in one week--yes Ryan is in shock too!) to take a walk, read books while it rains outside, show Espen how to jump on the couch without falling off (which he fell today, nothing broken just a tongue-bite), re-arrange my furniture (again), hang a piece of art Ryan and I made.... so essentially, i don't hate my life like I had the end of June when my schooling was almost completed....

So for the very near future
I will try:
to keep this positive and restful attitude when I start my job as a stylist
to look for quality time to spend with talking on the patio
to continue spending time reading and rereading scripture
to lift Christ higher in my life in general and everyday
to get more rest and keep a peaceful home
to maybe cook dinner sometime before I die
to be a good mommy, realizing we've been given a little heart to steward
to count it all joy....all.

Only with God's help I can do these things.


First for everything

It was time. Time to cut the wings off the back corners of E's head. Most of his hair would curl except the back corners. they would stick straight out, and flap in the wind when he would run and whip him in the eyes during jeep rides with with the top down. So it was time. I was a little sad but it happened.
He sat still for 3.5 seconds.....

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A little life Surrendered

I'm watching right now as Espen is watching and swaying and raising his hands, worshipping to Desperation Band's DVD. I'm not quite sure what his little mind and heart can grasp but I am sure that his little spirit, the one God created in him, knows. Earlier he was jumping and dancing and singing into an orange bat. He loves loves music and guitars and drumsticks and pedal boards, I just wonder what God might be saying to his heart, or drawing him to.
My heart melted as I noticed and I felt inspired yet convicted that in the middle of his play he sings and worships, claps at the end of songs and raises his hands, that this is what the kingdom of God looks like....Children at play, worshipping and listening and open to the spirit of the Lord.