Thursday, October 22, 2009

A little Question and Concern

This is where I need to tell the truth. I have no idea how to keep this blog alive or make it cool. I don't know how to really follow blogs, or put all the cool little things on my blog. I admit a very large portion of me doesn't want to take the time to do this. Yes I'm overwhelmed. I can't just continue to keep up pretenses. I can type. Got that going for me. I can barely upload photos, i wish i could upload photos like my friend Aina on her blog, but I have no clue how to do it and always forget to ask her.
I'm a perfectionist sometimes and i don't always want to publish something I've written unless its been edited a hundred times. I'm just getting back to the purpose of this blog and why it exists. I have many ideas for it...topics, pics, recipes (only 1 really), the way it should look....but now i beg the question--to myself, "Are you willing? Willing to stay with it and do what it takes?"
My writer side says YES! my transient side says "nah, whats the next thing?" My Artsy side says "maybe this should just be a photo blog" My Designer says "make it a fashion blog" .... see, very conflicting.
And. When I blog/post, who should i be writing to? Now i'm so confused! Am I writing to myself? To friends? Family? To the people who I wish read my blog? who would that be anyway?

Contemplating some very heavy things right now....


Amanda said...

I just had to completely redo mine (which I'm still not totally satisfied with yet... but it's getting there). And I feel your pain about having so many topics. I needed some sort of structure so I just picked a different topic for each day of the week. I don't know how long that will work, but for the past 3 days it really has given me focus.

It had been 2 months since I last blogged. Part of me didn't miss it at all, but part of me did. So, I'm back at it!

I love reading your posts, so I will definitely miss yours if you are gone, but like you said, are you willing to keep it up?

To me blogs are a judge free zone. I don't know why, but I just don't think people read blogs to critique the people writing them, so I always feel like I can say whatever, however, and go from there. Then again... haha... I don't have that many people who read mine!

Jen Hembree said...

I completely understand! Blogging is such a weird world...especially since you don't totally know your audience. Friends, family, Facebook friends, random people who stumble upon it. Figure out what the purpose of your blog is or the purpose you want it to take on and then hopefully it will give you a better sense of how to move forward. Don't give up!!!! :)

cylelewis said...

Your doing great. We are having so many blog issues right now. It becomes a point of competition and blog stat wars. I relate to your post. Judt be yourself. I have a million sides and totally get the conflict. I looks forward to reading your life!