- My Grandpa was ordained tonight as a Deacon at Prestonwood. This was something that he never sought after but was asked many times over to consider, and finally he accepted. We all attended (the McWilliams Family) this event tonight and it was rather special! Ministry is not foreign to my Grandparents, they are ministry. For most of their lives they have given themselves to people in so many ways. There are so many stories I still haven't heard, but I know that he was a chaplain in the Navy, They've had young people in their home to live with them, they've started bible study groups, helped start and fund a traveling singing group called the Horizons, he's been an elder, a pastor, a business exec for most of his career (which is another form of pastoring to another kind of congregation :) group leader, teacher, and now a Deacon at 75 years old. He is a spiritual giant and incredible example. We were so proud to support him tonight.
- Espen said 'cat' and 'horse' today....of course its not the full word just variations. He just says the 't' and 's' sounds. He loves to bark at dogs in a high pitch woof woof, and every single person gets a "see ya!" when we're passing by; including tonight when we were all at Prestonwood witnessing the 'swearing in' or ordination night of their Deacons. It was a special night tonight and kind of sacred in a way, so when Ryan takes Espen out after being on Nona's lap for a while, he turns back to our row and to the back section in the auditorium and says "see ya"! Classic.
He also loves to count to three.
- I am back at Cosmetology school to finish, and i'm excited about being back and am starting to get busy seeing clients again. It's been weird getting into a schedule in a way. Ryan stays with Espen, where he can work during nap and some play times. I miss my guys being away around 30 hours a week. I'm glad it's for a season though, I will be finished in July.
As a matter of fact, if you're in the Dallas area I'm at The Salon Professional Academy at I35 and bus. 121.....a Redken salon with great prices. You can call and make an appointment with me!
here's the info....
The Salon Professional Academy
1165 S Stemmons Fwy
Lewisville, TX 75067
(214) 222-2436
Happy Thursday.